Strong Concepts InfoQueue


Volume 9, Number 2 July, 1997


New WinTEAPAC Modules Arrive

Windows choices for TEAPAC programs continue to expand!  Now you can get Windows versions of the popular TEAPAC preprocessors PREPASSR, PRETRANSYT and PRENETSIM, just like WinSIGNAL94. The new Windows versions of PREPASSR, PRETRANSYT and PRENETSIM will be demonstrated at the Annual ITE Meeting in Boston next month.  With their introduction, TEAPAC now becomes the only suite of traffic operations programs available in the graphical Windows environment, and available for DOS as well!  Supported platforms include Windows 3.1, Windows 95 and Windows NT, as well as continuing support for DOS.  This Windows implementation incorporates a unique graphical user interface called the new TEAPAC Visual Mode which makes the programs quite intuitive by using the familiar Windows environment.  WinSIGNAL94, WinPREPASSR, WinPRETRANSYT and WinPRENETSIM all retain the powerful Manual Mode for "power users".  Combined with SIGNAL94's unique signal timing and phasing optimizer, this makes WinTEAPAC an unmatched opportunity for signal timing optimization and evaluation using Windows.

Each WinTEAPAC program includes context-sensitive help and a complete, on-line user guide with comprehensive search capabilities, even under Windows 3.x.  Data files for these windows versions are compatible with previous DOS versions of all TEAPAC programs, including SIGNAL94, PREPASSR, PRETRANSYT, PRENETSIM and SITE, and are interchangeable between all operating system platforms.  WinTEAPAC programs boast 2-3 times computing speed over their DOS counterparts.  Also, the powerful and unique Control File feature of TEAPAC is still available, allowing continued use of WinTEAPAC for batch analyses which perform multi-scenario, multi-file computations with a single command.

WinTEAPAC programs are available from Strong Concepts for the same price as the DOS versions. DOS Licenses can be upgraded for a reduced fee.  Call Strong Concepts for pricing.   

Win Big! WinTEAPAC at ITE

Strong Concepts will be exhibiting our TEAPAC software at the Annual ITE Meeting in Boston August 4th and 5th. This is your chance to Win Big! with TEAPAC in more ways than one. First, stop by and see the latest, including our new WinTEAPAC described in the previous article. See how using TEAPAC can make your analyses the best possible, in terms of accuracy, efficiency and cost savings. When you use TEAPAC you Win Big! every time.

Another way to Win Big! at the ITE meeting will be in our drawings for free software during the exhibition. By answering an easy but significant question which is discussed in this newsletter, you will have as many as four chances to win a free TEAPAC program of your choice. On both Monday and Tuesday at Noon and 5 P.M. we'll draw random winners who can pick a fully-licensed TEAPAC program of their choice.  Come see us early to maximize your chances of winning. Come see us early to maximize your chances of winning -- all names except winners will remain in the running for all subsequent drawings. Come to BOOTH #168.

WWW Internet Home Page

A vast amount of information about TEAPAC and Strong Concepts is available at our enhanced World Wide Web home page on the Internet, located at  Features include:

You can even join our mailing list here or send us E-mail at:  Visit the new page and see the latest at Strong Concepts.

You Can Find TEAPAC Anywhere

Of the seven continents of the world, active TEAPAC licenses are in use in all but one -- Can you guess which continent doesn't have a TEAPAC license?  This widespread use is also reflected in usage in the United States, where TEAPAC has been licensed in all 50 states  and is used by a majority of Departments of Transportation in the U.S.A. and Canada.  This expansive usage is a testament to the proven power and usefulness of TEAPAC.  Having stood the test of time for over 20 years, this suite of mature programs continues to be the most popular privately-developed traffic and transportation package worldwide.  This is in part due to our highly-acclaimed support for the programs which our users tell us is second to none!  We even provide support for other traffic software!  If you are not yet a member of this group of TEAPAC users, call us now so we can get you on the road to unparalleled efficiency in your traffic analyses.

Courses Feature TEAPAC

"Timing Traffic Signals Using TEAPAC, PASSER, TRANSYT and NETSIM" is a popular course which has a focus on specific solutions to signal timing and simulation problems from isolated intersections and arterials to diamond interchanges and grid systems.  Hands-on work problems using the software mentioned provide the user with real experience applying these solutions with the only software system that integrates all of these programs into a single system of software.  The TEAPAC programs used include SIGNAL94, NOSTOP, PREPASSR, PRETRANSYT and PRENETSIM, in addition to PASSER-II, TRANSYT-7F and TRAF-NETSIM.

This very popular three-day course is in the planning stages for the following locations over the next several months:

The three-day course will be followed in some locations by the  two-day course "Advanced TEAPAC Application Techniques" which provides hands-on exercises for multi-file, multi-scenario analyses, batch analyses and comprehensive multi-program integration using TEAPAC and the above programs.

Call Strong Concepts at (847) 564-0386 for more course information and specific dates and locations, or check our web page for the latest info.  All of these courses will have the option of using either the Windows or DOS versions of WinTEAPAC.

Strong Concepts 15 Timber Lane Northbrook, Illinois U.S.A. 60062-3715 e-mail: phone: (847) 564-0386 fax: 564-0394

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this page last updated September 22, 1998