Designing Optimized
Traffic Signals and Systems
Course Description
Optimal timing plans are essential to the proper evaluation of traffic signal planning, design and operation efforts and to assure efficient traffic movement on streets. Several nationally recognized traffic signal programs are available to assist the analyst in this regard. These include TEAPAC Complete, PASSER, TRANSYT and CORSIM. The goal of this course is to provide participants with a basic understanding of how to use these programs, both mechanically and procedurally, for signal evaluation and optimization efforts consisting of a wide range of signal control conditions, including individual signals and coordinated systems.
The course consists of lectures and hands-on use of microcomputers. Lectures cover the basics of traffic signal analysis and optimization techniques, demonstrations of the software and details of recommended procedures. Realistic numerical examples and hands-on exercise problems supplement the lectures, and the use of specific computer software provides participants with an opportunity to learn and understand the programs and procedures.
Dennis Strong is President of Strong Concepts, Greenville, SC. The firm's primary area of practice is in the development of integrated traffic engineering software and related training. Mr. Strong is a respected lecturer whose unique teaching style has been applauded world-wide, while at the same time a recognized expert in the analysis, evaluation, and operational design of traffic signals and systems, and in the development and use of computer software related to this field. He has 45 years of professional experience in these areas, and is the developer of the following software used in the course: TEAPAC Complete (SIGNAL, NOSTOP and Export/Import functions). Mr. Strong is a registered Professional Engineer (PE) in Illinois. He is also a past chairman of the Signalized Intersection Subcommittee of the TRB Highway Capacity and Quality of Service Committee, which authors the Highway Capacity Manual.
Software Used in Course
TEAPAC Complete from Strong Concepts performs capacity analyses which implement the calculation methods of the signalized chapters of the 2016 and 2000 Highway Capacity Manuals (HCM), as well as provides optimization of split timings, cycle length and phasings for the signal based on these HCM capacity analyses.
TEAPAC Complete from Strong Concepts provides simplified arterial bandwidth progression solutions, optimizing both system cycle length and offsets for two-way, prioritized progression.
PASSER II is a state- and federally-sponsored program from Texas, which optimizes offsets and splits for arterial progression over a range of cycle lengths. TEAPAC Complete prepares input for PASSER-II using the standard TEAPAC methods and analyzes the results in a clear and concise manner. Input can come directly from any other function of TEAPAC, if desired, allowing transfer of input and results between all aspects of the signal timing process.
TRANSYT-7F is a federally-sponsored program from McTrans, which optimizes offsets, splits and system cycles for arterial or network signal systems. TEAPAC Complete prepares input for TRANSYT using the standard TEAPAC methods and analyzes the results in a clear and concise manner. Input can come directly from any other function of TEAPAC, if desired, allowing transfer of input and results between all aspects of the signal timing process.
TRAF-NETSIM/CORSIM is a federally-sponsored program from FHWA, which performs microscopic, stochastic simulation and animation of a signalized network. TEAPAC Complete prepares input for NETSIM/CORSIM using the standard TEAPAC methods. Input can come directly from any other function of TEAPAC, if desired, allowing transfer of input and results between all aspects of the signal timing process.
Outline of Course
I. Introduction
1. Introduction
II. Timing Individual Intersections
2. HCM Capacity Analysis
3. TEAPAC Signal Analysis Discussion and Demo
4. TEAPAC Signal Analysis Hands-on Exercise #S2K1
5. Recommended Procedures
III. Simulation and Animation of Intersections
6. NETSIM/CORSIM Discussion and Demo
7. TEAPAC Export to CORSIM Discussion and Demo
8. TEAPAC to CORSIM Hands-on Exercise #PNT1
9. Recommended Procedures
IV. Simplified Arterial Bandwidth Optimization
10. Bandwidth Optimization
11. TEAPAC Progression Discussion and Demo
12. TEAPAC Progression Hands-on Exercise #NST1
13. Recommended Procedures
V. Complete Arterial Bandwidth Optimization
14. PASSER-II Discussion and Demo
15. TEAPAC Export to PASSER-II Discussion and Demo
16. TEAPAC to PASSER-II Hands-on Exercise #PPS1
17. Recommended Procedures
VI. Comprehensive Arterial Optimization, Simulation & Animation
18. Bandwidth Limitations
19. TRANSYT-7F Discussion and Demo
20. TEAPAC Export to TRANSYT-7F Discussion and Demo
21. TEAPAC to TRANSYT-7F Hands-on Exercise #PTR1
22. Recommended Procedures
VII. Special Optimization Situations
23. Recommended Procedures
24. Summary and Course Evaluation
this page last updated February 04, 2019